Lynx Data Recorders

Signal Data Recorders

Lynx Data Recorders

There are a number of different vendors who provide signal data recorders. In each and every one of these cases the data recorder is tied to a single type/model of receiver or other sensor interface device such as an ADC, etc. In each of these cases the data recorder becomes an application specific device. In most cases the data recorder in fact requires replication of the sensor interface unit (receiver, ADC, etc). 

Based on SIGINT Systems, LLC's Moriarty Resource Manager the Lynx data recorders are capable of handling a variety of different interfaces, and others can be added at will. 
The SIGINT Systems' Lynx is the most powerful, adaptable, scalable and configurable signal data recorder on the market today.

Unlike data recorders from I/O vendors the Lynx is not tied to any one sensor interface unit. Lynx data recorders handle receivers from a wide range of vendors such as DRS, Midwest Microwave, DTA, etc.  Lynx also handles a variety of ADC and DAC cards for direct signal sampling. The same baseline unit can be equipped to handle any of the supported cards.

Configurable and Scalable
Lynx is a software based data recording system. Lynx recorders are relatively agnostic to the underlying hardware. The Lynx system can be hosted on a wide range of platforms allowing the system to be tailored to the user's mission requirements.

Just like their parent system, the Moriarty Resource Manager, Lynx data recorders can be scaled to accommodate the signal interface and bandwidth dictates of a particluar mission.

Data Recording
Lynx data is recorded to a standard, portable file system. Lynx uses the ZFS file system and the resulting disc pools are protable across all systems that support ZFS - such as Linux, Solaris, MacOS X, etc. ZFS also allows data pools to be expanded by adding extra drives and concatenating them to existing data pools.

Data is recorded to either MARTES files with attached headers, or a proprietary header. Other formats can be easily accommodated.

Lynx data recordings are broken into multiple files, which allows for ease in data transport, and optimizes recording throughput.

A Lynx Data File Conversion Unit (DFCU) allows extraction of portions of recordings, and concatenation of multiple files into a single record with a unique header.

Lynx systems can record data at extremely high rates (several GBytes/sec). The underlying hardware can be easily tailored to support the desired recording rates.

Lynx data recorders are equipped with a variety of data access and playback functions. Recorded data can be played back as analog signals (if equipped with a suitable analog playback interface). Recorded data can also be streamed out as a VITA-49 stream over TCP sockets.

Recordings are also available for network access over ftp or through a Samba or NFS server.

System Command and Control
Lynx system command and control is through one of three methods:

  • Direct control from the system GUI
  • Through mission files that can define operating times and parameters
  • Over the network from some other system or application using a defined command structure